I kissed myself last night and I knew what true love was... I do lot of crazy stuff on Instagram @Nerdisbold check it out
3 min read
A Reminder,A friendly advice.

So there you were simply sitting on the chair with your head hanging from the support of both hands placed upon your cheeks.
Your eyes were positioned in a way that they looked at an object but your sight saw nothing at all.
It seemed like you were looking at the environ but only you knew you saw nothing but thin air.
You were lost in the thoughts of your life,
The chattering of people around couldn't connect with your mind, you were in Major Psychosis.
A state in which contact with reality is lost.
The thoughts about your education bothered you greatly,you couldn't understand why your medical situation worsened,thoughts of how to pay your debts and help you ailing family killed you.
Losing your job seemed like the end,your business had just blown like a landmine.and your rent was overdue.
How can I help my academics" You thought to yourself "I've tried my possible best,I can't understand this anymore".
Dad was long dead and Mom was really sick.
You had trouble all around,everything seemed like it was all crashing down…
You hated your life for what it was at this moment.
You disliked the existence of humanity,
For the pain and difficulties were exhilarating,
And oh your love life was something else too after your "no-good" search for true love was futile.
In tears and sobs
Oh No, where are all problems coming from,what's happening to me.
Why's my life this way.
Why is all this happening, bet why?
You kept asking to yourself..
You were weak.

Yes difficulties come but never forget that they GO too.
Note that before the morning comes the nighttime,
Remember that Your father had promised never to leave you even in your darkest hour,for in the presence of your enemies he had set a table before you.
Never forget that his thoughts for you are of good and not of evil to bring you to an expected end.
A life outside Christ is a life in Crisis
Bombarded with difficulties and missiles like ISIS.
Your weaknesses and heavy burdens,God has asked you to bring to him and he shall give you rest.
Look,whoever you are and whatever your situation is,I'd tell you this:
For far too long you've been speeding,
Alone you've been running your race
Pull off your sneakers
And put on a pair of slippers
And take a walk,just a walk
with God In

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