Izaka Aigbokhan
3 min read
Album Review: Chemistry EP

So... Here we are again, talking about musical releases as if it's that big a deal anyway.

Like... C'mon... Letters, words, sentences... Who has time for those anymore. Memes run the world, and there's nothing you can do about it.
But, the rebellious soul Etin Obaseki pretends I have says, 'No, post an Acoustic Review'... Why I listened, who knows, maybe cos he added, 'Chicks dig guys who post reviews, especially acoustic ones'.

All that aside, in today's post, we'll be looking at Simi and Falz's (does this follow the 'ends with 's' so no 's' after the apostrophe' rule? So many questions, so few answers) joint release, the Chemistry EP ('Who did this EP epp', Olamide somewhere is asking), another collection of songs we can listen to and only wonder if they are in fact in a relationship, or playing on the general belief and trolling us, cos, trolling is super cool.

In a fusion of Afro-Hip Hop and Afro-Pop, the Chemistry EP is a collection of 7 tracks, all with decent production, which for me, seem to tell the story of two individuals who meet under the premise of assumptions and false impressions (Foreign), catch on (Want To), break up (Show You Pepper), get back at it (Cinderella), begin to realize it's meant to be (Chemistry), finally become one (Shake Your Body) and accept each other, just the way they are, as all they'll ever need (Enough).
Well, this is how my mental disorder which leaves me in a state of unrest unless I can see a reasonable pattern in something made me process it. My best guess.

It's a good release, to be honest, two high profile figures in the Nigerian Music Industry teaming up to give us something more to vibe to. Who's not a fan of that?
Falz doesn't necessarily flex his lyrical prowess, not that he needs to, this is a joint release, gotta keep everybody involved... And not rap them into submission. So we have a Falz who's his usual laid back self, giving us bars that more or less get to the point. Easy to follow along with.
Simi is amazing, as always (Marry me, Simi!), her voice a great complement to the ever 'razz' Falz.

All in all, this was alright. The story gets told, and you more or less enjoy listening to the tale. 'Want To' is my favourite song off it, 'Chemistry' a close second.

Good job, you two.

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