Ade Wale
Passionate about journalism and reporting unreported or underreported news worthy stories, Ade Wale is creating a niche for himself in journalism.
6 min read
Nigerian Banker and Christian cleric reveals what to do if ever elected as Governor of Delta State

Reverend Samuel Kporaro has revealed that if elected as a governor of Nigeria's Delta State, he will do everything possible to make Delta State to be one of the richest states in Nigeria. The banker and cleric made the revelation while discussing on the economic situation in Nigeria of the twenty first century.

Presently, Nigeria is bedeviled by heightened insecurity and inflation complicated by scarcity of foreign currencies, rising costs of fuels and production costs, etc. Food inflation has been worst during this period in Nigeria. These have altogether decreased incomes, revenues and wealth. Nigeria's inflation has risen on a daily basis with prices of food, goods and services becoming unaffordable to the majority of people.

Also, some few days ago, some members of the Nigerian armed forces were ambushed and killed in Delta State thus worsening the crisis situation in the country as food prices are set to rise further following tensions of military invasion of agrarian communities in Delta State in search for the killers of the army personnels and as a show of force from the military to serve as deterrent to prevent a recurrence of such acts in the future.
Reverend Samuel Kporaro has said that Nigeria's problem is a lack of true federalism despite assumption that it is a federal republic constituted by federating units. The banker and cleric stated that Delta State should be allowed to operate as a sovereign state that is in agreement with other states to have one common identity, one common currency, one common armed forces, one common passport, etc., rather than how it is treated as a conquered territory.
The banker and cleric revealed that if he were ever to be a governor of Delta State, he loves the concept of The Federal Republic of Nigeria and desires the country to forever remain one indivisible entity although it would appear as a Muslim country to the rest of the world. The banker and cleric however stated that as a governor, everything would be done to ensure that Delta State exists and functions as a sovereign state within the federal republic but without its own currency, armed forces, passport, etc except with its own state police and paramilitary.

He further stated that if he were to ever contest elections and win as Governor of Delta State, he will spend more to make the state compete with other sovereign states such as Liberia, Ghana, South Africa, Brazil, etc. According to him, he will make sure that there are three petroleum refineries in the three senatorial districts of Delta State and other states such as Edo state, Ondo State and even Kogi State will have to import refined petroleum products from Delta State with Oando as the primary and secondary contractor to help manage, maintain and run the refineries and market the products on behalf of Delta State. He clarified that Oando will not be the only company to market petroleum products in the state but is only the one that will market the products for the state and share the profits.
He further said that the state will use it's access to revenues and funds from loans, grants and all to import skilled expatriates to help in petroleum exploration and production in other states even in such states as Benin, Ghana, etc with Oando as the front company acting on behalf of the state. 

He further stated that if he ever contested in Nigeria's elections and wins as Governor of Delta State, he will ensure that electricity generation is increased in the state and although the increased electricity would not be directly sold to the populace, it would be sold to Edo, Ondo and even Kogi states and directly to the refineries, manufacturing plants and warehouses. He lamented how people (not manufacturers) steal electricity in Nigeria by tapping or legally connecting without paying bills and illegally reconnect without intention to pay bills. He said subsidies should be paid for electricity generation and petroleum production and that is what he will do as Governor of Delta State.
When asked if he would love to be the president of Nigeria someday in the future, the Reverend stated that Nigeria is an Islamic country while he is a Christian, and not just a Christian but a Christian leader and so wouldn't love to be misidentified as an Islamic cleric or Muslim leader thus, would never accept to be Nigeria's president when he can be governor of a more sovereign and more prosperous christianized Delta State. He however agreed that he can be the leader of the Nigerian Senate (President of the Senate of Nigeria). He emphasized that by right, Urhobo-Isoko political Bloc should form and dominate the electoral college of Delta State and have unlimited powers to decide who governs Delta State while the Hausa-Fulani power Bloc should try to do so in Nigeria and that Delta State is not Nigeria but is in agreement to be in Nigeria as one of the states of The Federal Republic of Nigeria.

When questioned about the fate of other power blocs in Delta State if Urhobo-Isoko Bloc will hold and control the politics of Delta State, the Reverend said that he is not even of the Urhobo-Isoko political Bloc but of the Igbo political Bloc being a member of the Ndokwa subgroup by having ancestors of Ndokwa origins. He revealed that on his paternal ancestry, his family are Egbo family of Echei quarters in Ase town of Ndokwa east, his paternal grandmother is late Mama Lydia Egbo of Ibedeni town in Ndokwa east, his paternal great grandmother is late Mama Rose Udeteghe of Iyede-Ame in Ndokwa east. He then emphasized that on his maternal ancestry, he is purely Igbo as the son of Mama Rose Oduah of Umuonaje Quarters of Asaba. His maternal grandfather is late Deacon James Oduah of the Anglican communion. These he said makes the Igbo Bloc the second powerful Bloc in Delta State but emphasized that it is only the Ndokwa subgroup of the Igbo political Bloc of Delta State that deserves all the unlimited power in the Bloc in terms of governorship of the Delta State of Nigeria while the pure Anoma group of Enuani, Ika and the other Ndokwa/Ukwuani can have unlimited privileges over deciding who becomes the senator representing the Igbo Bloc in Delta State, the members of the federal house of Representatives for their district, members of the state legislature, city councils in their entire district, etc.

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