Diary of a emiotionally distant nerd with a crappy and mostly depressing love life.
3 min read

At some point in our lives, we fall.
Some fall in Love,
Some fall into temptations,
Some fall into pieces,
Some fall their hands,
While, Some "fall down and die" *inyourpastor'svoice

Let's talk about FALLING IN LOVE!

You know you have fallen in love when you strike a gazing stare accompanied with a deep rooted silent smile and burning anticipation at your phone when ur crush" typing a message".

You know you have fallen in love when distance poses not a single treat to your relationship. When the Love fire burns even amidst an ocean of distractions.

You know you have fallen in love when you look forward to a fulfilled day just so you can tell it all to him/her as soon as the question "how was your day" pops up during your convo.

You know you have fallen in love when every single love song you come across now has an entrancing meaning to you.

You know you have fallen in love when her soft gaze at your eyeballs work faster than your doctor's prescribed medications.

You know you have fallen in love when you are willing to risk it all for him/her.

You know you have fallen in love when your convo with him/her determines whether you'll have a good or bad day.

You know you have fallen in love when you can't stop reading this article hoping to find more ways to be sure if you have fallen in love.

You know you have fallen in love when you say to yourself "I don't think I love her yet; I just like her for now".

You know you have fallen in love when after typing "Thanks bro" you retract and replace with "Thanks hon".

You know you have fallen in love when you try so hard to look very titillating and eye-catching to church hoping he/she crosses your path.

You know you have fallen in love when you sleep (probably by 2am) with and wake up with an in-depth smile.

You know you have fallen in love when you no longer notice his/her flaws. In your eyes she's is unsullied and flawless.

You know you have fallen in love when she doesn't meet your specs but your specs meet her.

You know you have fallen in love when you just couldn't stop after the first kiss.

You know you have fallen in love when her touch gives you that electrifying feeling you get after passing a long-withheld urine.

You know you have fallen in love when you feel safer when your palm is completely interlocked with hers than when you're behind locked doors.

You know you have fallen in love when the regular stuff that annoys you no longer does cos you've grown past that.

You know you have fallen in love when you start writing articles about falling in love.

You know you have fallen in love when one or more of the factors mentioned completely describes you.

You know you have fallen in love when you have something to add to this article. Feel free to do so via the contributions panel below.

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