Ahmmedoc Muhammad Rufa'i
Am alot of things expect one. How would you do picture me as pixels, pulses or has a spread view of sighting? Find out why..
1 min read
He said

If You want to make it in life

1.Develop ur mind 'you don't get in life what you want you get in life what you are'
2.Develop your communication skills 'when you open your mouth you tell the world who you are'
3. Practice the principles of OQP 'only quality people' as you think about ur goals and dreams remember you want to build it with only people that are hungry not people who need more but people who want more.

Are those just phrases or life lesson I asked? How do I struggle with myself and others when I get so confused within.
He said! Listen and listen and listen if you want to learn.
Smiles ☺ my dear imagery mind

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