Candy Baron
I want to exist only at night, when everything is calm.
1 min read
Sich Verlieben

I don't know if I'll fall in love again. The first time was like stepping out of a cave, greeted by a sky I'd never seen before. Her smile was like the sun. It was bright, it was warm and calming. Being with her felt like I was lost in an endless corner of summer, living on an island far away from the sea of madness that was my late teens.

I don't know if I'll fall in love again. The second time was over before I even knew what was going on. It felt like stepping into a tornado with my eyes open. I wasn't sure where I'd end up, but I didn't care at the time. I was just glad to be off the ground again. I was scared, but she was...cozy. Heartbreak hurts less the second time, but it took me forever to put all the pieces back together.

I don't know if I'll fall in love again. I'm...afraid, sometimes. It's like I've forgotten how to feel, and I'm just wandering through the darkness hoping someone will grab my hand and lead me back to the light.

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